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The Twenty-Third Meeting

Due to two weeks of Easter Break and two weeks of Transition Year Work Experience, we did not have the 23rd meeting until the 23rd of April 2018.

As per usual, we met in classroom TP. Once we all assembled, every member gave the money they had raised for the 'Sponsored Cycle to The Dail Day' to Frank Wolfe (our coordinator) for an installment in buying the Solar Panels.

Every member of Off Grid was anxious this day, to hear of the results of the Speak Out, which wasn't until 2 pm today.

The results are probably the most important thing for Off Grid, as this was to determine whether we made it to the YSI Showcase and have a shot on winning the YSI Competition.

We then briefly discussed a 'Unveiling Day' for the Solar Panels and to get guest speakers and guest visitors at the ceremony. For example Michael D. Higgins.

Therefore, we assigned Dylan Evenden to contact Michael D. Higgins and got a few other people to contact other guest speakers for the day.

The date is yet to be released...

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