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The Speak Out

This year we did the 20th of March, South Dublin Young Social Innovators Speak Out Competition at the Royal Marine Hotel, Dun Laoghaire.

After continuous days of practice, the day was finally here for Off Grid.... The Speak Out.

We assembled on the DART and changed into our Off Grid Green T-Shirts. Some of the boys carried their mirrors with them, for the presentation. We were also with The Icitabo Project.

When we arrived we went into the Presentation Room and saw all the different projects taking part, sitting in rows.

A lot of the other projects' posters were extremely creative.

Dayl Cronin was the presenter for the day and Off Grid was second to go up in front of everybody.

Cian Mulligan, Frank Wolfe, Dario Regazzi and Ethan Dodd did the talking in front of the others in our group doing their choreography with the mirrors.

The script for the Speak Out is in a separate blog.

Once we finished our presentation, overall we got a very good reaction from the crowd with "Ooooohs" and "Ahhhs" and a lot of claps when we did the surprise finish with the mirrors.

You can find the video of our presentation on the video section on the website.

Overall Off Grid were very happy with the performance of our presentation and we are looking forward to hearing what the Judges thought on the 23rd of April 2018..

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