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The Meeting with SEAI

So, on the 23rd of February 2018 we met with a representative from the SEAI to discuss the topic of Solar Panels.

We told him about what solar panels we are installing, a 7kpw Solar Panel and that we can only get planning permission for 12 squared meters.

He replied telling us that 12 squared meters is only for Domestic Solar Panels and that we could get planning permission for a larger size, since we are a school, we could even get 50 squared meters.

But the only problem with that is if we wanted solar panels that size it would cost over 20,000 euro, which we do not believe is doable looking at the current financial situation we are in.

We later talked about A1 Energy and that we have been cooperating closely with them and that we were looking for an SEC Scheme.

The Representative replied that we could fill out an application to get onto the network which he said would be a very good ideas as there is 140 people on the network with a lot of knowledge regarding Solar Energy who could help us tremendously.

Later, our coordinator Frank Wolfe expressed to the representative that we have future plans in connecting our local community with our solar panels and that we hope to set an example to the rest of Ireland.

After, the representative gave us excellent advice which was that we should do a Thermal Energy Survey of the School, which we plan to do in the future of our project.

We ended the meeting very thankful for the advice we received from the SEAI with the new advice for the Off Grid project...

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