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The YSI Den

On the 20th of February 2018, three members of Off Grid (Dario Regazzi, Frank Wolfe and Ethan Dodd) took part in the Young Social Innovators Den Competition.

This year's DEN competition took place in DCU Alpha Building.

When we arrived we got an opportunity to advertise our project on the walls with markers (photo below).

At 1.30pm we went into the pitching room with a poster we designed as a team.

We told the judges about our project and told them that we wished to receive 1,000 euro to ensure our primary goal of installing a solar system into our school.

The pitch took a total of 4 minutes and later we received 4 minutes of questions from the judges.

The judges asked us questions regarding Grants and progress we have made so far.

We explained about our progress and our challenges in order to receive grants.

After the pitch we waited for an hour to receive the verdict. During this hour we got an interesting tour around the buildings and YSI offices.

When the wait was over we were called into the pitching room again. The judges explained that they were very keen about our project and liked our presentation. They gave us the full 1,000 euro and advice on the next steps.

The Off Grid team were delighted with the great news and now we continue to get our school off the grid by fundraising and many other activities.

Our Advertisement on Wall

Frank with envelope and poster

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