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The Sixteenth Meeting

We had this meeting on the 25th of January 2018 with both The Icitabo Project and Off Grid Project together as in this meeting we were both given a talk by Mr. Sam about the upcoming Young Social Innovators Speak Out 2018.

At the beginning of this meeting we were given a brief update by Mr. Sam on where we are in regards to the progress we are making as a YSI project i.e "What boxes we are ticking." We discovered that we are quite ahead due to the activities we have done such as meeting with TDs and attending a Board Meeting in our school.

After the brief update our teacher Mr. Sam went on and showed us videos from the YSI Speak Out Tour 2017 and we all got a good idea on what happens and what is expected at this event.

The videos were very interesting for example we watched a video about the Bee Savers YSI project in Tuam, Galway and a video on some of The Speak Out Tour presentations in 2017.

Many were very creative and original for example some projects did a Flash Mob and acting.

We ended the meeting knowing that we need to come up with an idea for the speak out we will be part of in 2018.

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