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Off Grid Invited to Dáil Éireann and Leinster House

On Tuesday 23rd January 2018, three students from our project Frank, Ethan and Daragh, were invited to Dáil Éireann and to Leinster House to attend a meeting of the Communications, Climate Action and Environment Committee. The matter of concern was around meeting Ireland’s sustainable energy goals for 2020.

At the meeting were five TDs and there were also energy companies such as the S.E.A.I and the Tipperary Energy Agency. When we entered the committee room our information sheets explaining our project were handed out to everyone there as we took our seats. As TDs made their speeches some referred to our project and school commending our work towards renewable alternatives and that we were a good example of great work being done on a small scale, i.e. micro-generation.

Later in the meeting, Sinn Féin TD Brian Stanley brought up his bill on micro-generation that was brought to the Dáil in mid-December last year. In discussion with him after the meeting, he urged us to further research the bill as it focuses on support for domestic micro-generation which fits right in with the idea of our project.

Deputy Stanley also further referred us on to Michael Manley from The Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment who also attended. He informed us on a new scheme in place which focuses on supporting microgeneration by the sponsorship of people who live in the community. He also agreed to send a colleague down to our school to help us fund our project by enacting this scheme.

Overall we all found our visit very insightful and we made great advances for our project.

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