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The Fourteenth Meeting

YSI Meeting 08/01/2018

So, the new year begins and the work continues. To start, we agreed that we should really focus on fundraising. This includes a non-uniform day to raise money within the school, sponsorship and perhaps bag packing. We also had a look at other aspects of the project.

For example, we feel that we should start journalising minutes that are already on the website. This is an important factor of the project that we an also hopefully deal with.

During the break, however, we looked at starting the report book in order to assess our project as a whole. We also got a reply from Richard Bruton in relation to the project and supporting it. We may also look at following up a meeting with Brid Smith and contacting the minister for the environment, Denis Naughton. As well as that, we are looking at communicating with Not Here Not Anywhere and Stop Climate Chaos in addition to that. These are the bodies that we would like to speak to by the end of January.

Furthermore, we want to continue posting videos onto our social media. This involves Ethan Dodd collaborating with a second-year cameraman, Zach Anderson. In this way, we are hoping that Ryan and Ethan as well as Darragh and Oscar will continue to promote the project Darragh is also in the process of setting up an app, which we all look forward to.

So, Rónán contacted Denis Naughton and received a response. He is the minister for the environment and in his reply from his secretary we received an answer. He said that in terms of a meeting, we could arrange a meeting with one of the department’s experts on solar panels. As a result, we are looking at organising several aspects of the project, and we all have our jobs assigned to these roles.

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