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The Day at City Hall with John Lyons

On the 6th of December 2017 6 of the 'Off Grid' members fortunately got the opportunity to meet with TD John Lyons of PBPA in City Hall, Dame Street.

Our coordinator Frank Wolfe began this meeting by explaining our YSI project to John Lyons and told him about our unfortunate struggles with getting money to fund our Young Social Innovators project.

We briefly talked about our Board Meeting in our school in which John Lyons was extremely keen on, and also the progress we have made as a team so far

We told John Lyons that Ireland is not an incredible country when it comes to the topic of Renewable Energy and that we as a Young Social Innovators project want to set an example towards many other schools and communities across the country.

John Lyons gave us very helpful advice of which, what action we should take next such as putting down motions and to acknowledge benefits we could have. We believed this was incredibly helpful advice and were very grateful to hear on what we can do next for future steps in our project.

He also recommended to us about putting forward a submission for an upcoming debate on this topic and that we would have to submit it in at least 4 days before the debate. Which we will hopefully do in the future of the YSI project.

After what advice had been said we discussed our fundraising plans which John Lyons was very supportive.

We as a YSI group were very thankful to this opportunity as it really helped us on our future goals to get our school off grid..

Us in Front of City Hall

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