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Our Logo

The person who designed this Logo for our Young Social Innovators Project was Ethan Dodd.

The meaning of the Logo

As you can see the logo says in big and obvious writing the name of our YSI project Off Grid. Therefore this is written in the biggest writing as the name is one of the most important features of our YSI project .

Instead of the dot on top of the letter ‘i’ in Grid there is a power button. This cleverly shows that our project is trying to save power as it is showing the power sign in the middle of the Logo.

The power button is still green regardless the fact that we are entirely off the grid.

At the end of the letter ‘f’ in Off and at the start of the letter ‘g’ in grid there is a large line that separates and goes off to infinity and off the page. This is shrewdly done to show that the whole message of our project is a leap (the separation) and a continuous journey to stay “off grid’ hence, the line goes entirely off the map.

At the bottom right corner is the Young Social Innovators logo and their motto ‘change your world’ which is there to show that our project is a Young Social Innovators project and also that we are totally agreeing with the motto ‘change our world’ as we as a YSI group believe that we can change our world surrounding us by doing our Off Grid Young Social Innovators Project.

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