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The Eleventh Meeting

The Eleventh Meeting was on the 30th of November 2017

Firstly, we established that Cian Mulligan and Leo Cunningham could do research on organisations mentioned in our previous meeting with Bríd Smith, Not Here Not Anywhere, and solar Energy Ireland. Then, Mr. Sam addressed us in relation to what we could do to gather money. For example, we have been thinking about contacting Dublin City Council. However, since we are situated in a Fingal area, we may have to contact the Fingal council. Although, Michael Kiely had sent an email to Dublin Fire Brigade, who are part of Dublin City Council, and we await development. We agreed that if the council couldn’t help us, maybe they could point us in the right direction. Therefore, we are going to organise a meeting there hopefully next Wednesday. Furthermore, we have been thinking about Fundraising, to which Dylan had the idea of a quiz night. With this idea, we could charge fifteen euro a ticket and have eight per table. We were thinking that this could be achieved through the school, scouts or elsewhere. Frank also mentioned the Open day, but we were prioritising the idea of fundraising. This could be done in February. There were then more ideas concerning fundraising. Meanwhile, Oscar has been updating the social media pages and we then looked at other fundraisers as well. For example, bag packing in Supervalu. The group could arrange advertising around the place including Scouts. Rónán continued to work on the website and we now have pictures of all of us on the website. Not to mention, the SEAI have been linking with us and we are trying to compile other contacts we can connect with. These include Activ8 Energies and people within the school like Michael O’Boyle, a Youtuber from Second year who makes films. He could also help us in contributing to the project. So, Oscar went to look for Michael O’Boyle, Dylan looked to find Mrs. Fox with regards to discussing the project with the school, and Michael is trying to contact Dublin City Fire Brigade. As well as that, we came back to talking about Ethan and Frank speaking in front of the school board and convincing them to side with us. As a result, we would begin to look at confirming ideas for various fundraisers to achieve a good portion of the 6600 euro and persuade them to help fund it. Subsequently, we began thinking about other bodies to speak with, to which some suggested Donald Trump or Obama. Frank started mentioning the people we had already contacted to expand our credibility like Bríd Smith, Gino Kenny and Owen McCormack

The Meeting

. This could reinforce our argument to the school in asking them to support us. Adam was also asked, as we all were, to help Frank and Ethan to prepare for the meeting with the Board of Directors with the school to; one, say we can get money, two, say we can get publicity, three, say we can get panels. A good opportunity to collect could be from Dublin City Council. So, we should think of a way we could get this money, speak with TDs, other organisations etc. As a result, we must speak on behalf of the school to get these panels. Then, Mr. Sam returned after talking to John Lyons from SEA. He said the website looked good and he asked us if we had contacted the Department of Education and Skills. Now, we think we will have to get in touch with Richard Bruton. Consequently, we successfully arranged a meeting with John Lyons/Tina McVeigh on Wednesday the 6 of December. Michael Kiely also hoped to arrange a meeting with the fire brigade.

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