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The Eighth Meeting

The Eighth meeting was on the 13th of November 2017.

Due to Hallowe'en break and MUN conference we postponed this meeting until Monday the 13th of November.

We began the meeting by discussing all Social Media Aspects such as the progress on Snapchat, Facebook and Twitter etc.

We discussed that we needed quotes from famous novels/people/movies etc. regarding Solar Panels in order to get more people to like and follow our Social Media pages.

Frank Wolfe individually asked every committee what they did for our YSI project over the Break.

Leo Cunningham began by telling us he was looking for guest speakers for our school.

Dario Regazzi was assigned to write a small article on the Logo for our Young Social Innovators project to post on the website.

Frank Wolfe also claimed that ideally on Friday that him and Ethan Dodd are going to go to Ms Fox (our principal) to tell her what provider they are going to for the Solar Panels and what Fundraising they are allowed to do for our project.

We ended the Meeting and agreed the next meeting to be on the same week this Thursday the 16th of November 2017.

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