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The Sixth Meeting

The Sixth meeting was on the 19th of October 2017.

Due to School Trips and Hurricane Ophelia we did not have this meeting until the 19th of October.

At the start of the meeting we talked about our situation with Grants and one suggestion was The SEAI Den Grant. But we still did not decide which one to get yet.

The Research Technical Team found that we could get 6 Solar Panels that are 6000 euro from Electric Ireland.

We briefly then discussed Fundraising Ideas, but that was the least of our concerns.

Ethan Dodd (Communication Committee) said that he received an e-mail off Stephen Bray from Alternative Energy Ireland on the 10th of October saying that he did something like our YSI project with a school from Tipperary, we agreed as a group to ask for more information about this school in Tipperary as it could help with our YSI project.

Frank Wolfe (Coordinator) also stated that we could put our project in SEAI's competition called One Good Idea to get our project's name out there.

Ethan Dodd and Oscar McGann was assigned to create a logo for our Young Social Innovators Project.

Ronan Smyth (Documenting Team) said he would publish the website definitely this week.

We as a group also decided that when we finish our project that we would try to get Richard Bruton, Minister of Education to be at our Open Day of our Solar Panels.

We left the meeting with everything that was said in consideration to research and discuss at our next meeting.

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