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The Fourth Meeting

The Fourth Meeting was on the 28th of September 2017.

Mr Sam (A Science and Maths Teacher in our school with YSI experience) told us in the meeting that there are 2 compounds to have a incredibly successful YSI project:

1) Technology- We decided as a group we needed to use Social Media such as Apps, Website, Facebook, Twitter (#Offthegrid) etc. As therefore more and more people across Ireland or even the Globe will know about our project and attract even potential Government Grants to our project. Mr. Sam also mentioned we could hire App Developers Students in DCU to help us with Apps

2) Contacts- We decided that we should involve as much contacts into our Project such as politicians as they could help us a lot with Grants, Speaking Out or even Pitch our Project in Industries if we wanted as a group for our Young Social Innovators Project.

Our Coordinator Frank Wolfe spoke to us all on the Progress of Off Grid such as asking each committee their progress. Some Committees had very interesting things to say such as the Communication Committee contacting the SEAI and Ms, Fox.

We found out that our deadline for a successful YSI project was on the 1st of March 2018 and because of this deadline we needed to recruit more members .

We finished the meeting after the Documenting Team documented everything that was said and got back to work on Off Grid.

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